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Legal experts share their opinions on burning topics

We have a genuine passion for legal tech, great content and a strong community.
Here’s where we tie everything together.

Legal AI Strategies

9 legal experts explain what a successful
and future-proof legal AI strategy looks like.
They share tips, tricks, and past experiences.

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Implementation and Adoption of Legal Tech

7 legal experts explain what successful implementation
and adoption of legal tech looks like.
They share tips & tricks and past experiences.

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Data in Legal

7 legal experts explore the delicate balance between
addressing concerns and unlocking
the full potential of data.

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The 2024 Legal Tech Trends Report

A look into the legal tech future.
8 international experts predict what’s to come in 2024
and how you can prepare yourself and your organization.

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The future of Bonuses & Profits
at Law Firms

9 international legal experts share their views on
the distribution of bonuses & profits at law firms,
and most importantly, how they believe it will evolve.

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The Billable hour.
Pros, cons &
the role of technology.

Is the billable hour still the right approach?
If tech makes you more efficient,
do you bill less? 

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The legal tech trends of 2023

2023 is coming to an end,
how have the predictions of
our experts turned out?

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Legal Insights from 7000 Law Firms

There are three major forces
at play in today’s legal environment.

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