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A progressive look at
the world of legal

  • Implementation Adoption thumbnail

    Rolling out LegalTech: 10 strategic takeaways

    How do you maximize the benefits of legal technology within your organization? Henchman gathered an international panel of legal tech experts to shine a light on that question. Taking a deep dive into the topic, we’ve listed 10 golden takeaways to strategically implement and adopt legal tech. 
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  • Data in Legal Thumbnail

    Data: The true catalyst for 
    transformation in legal

    As data becomes an integral part of how law firms operate and deliver services, the legal industry undergoes a significant transformation. Traditionally focused on the accumulation and management of knowledge, law firms are increasingly leveraging data to improve their expertise and efficiency.
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  • Blog Damien Riehl

    LLMs in legal: Pitfalls, oilfields, and best practices

    Damien Riehl is shedding light on LLMs in the legal industry. In November 2022, OpenAI took a shot heard round the world: LLMs overtook the zeitgeist. Accompanying that arrival, millions of lawyers screamed out in unison: What does this mean for us?” The good news: This means good things for our industry. If we do it right.
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  • Chambers announcement

    Henchman wins big: Top Ranking in Chambers and Partners’ NewLaw 2024 guide

    Henchman has been awarded a Band 1 classification in the LawTech Contract Analysis category in Chambers and Partners’ inaugural NewLaw 2024 guide.
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  • Versioning thumbnail

    Introducing Clause Version History: Unlocking the Secrets of Clause Evolution & Tactics

    Picture this: a time machine for your clauses. Wouldn’t that be a game-changing insight, forever altering the way legal professionals approach contract drafting and negotiation?
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  • Watsom Video Thumbnail

    LexisNexis to Acquire Henchman: A New Chapter in Legal Drafting

    Together, our teams will rapidly address a top customer request: the need for easily searchable internal firm and corporation data in combination with LexisNexis content and AI solutions.
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